27 Sep 19:05 GMT

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Headquarter  martinadambro 
Headquarter denote the location where most of the important functions of an organization are concentrated. The term is used especially with regards to military organizations.   martinadambro 

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مركز القيادة ـ المركز الرئيسي   1 validation  A Nabil Bouitieh 
مبني يحتوي على أقسام مديريات متعددة   1 validation  A Nabil Bouitieh (src: الورد المزدوج) 
"إن مركز القيادة العامة في وسط المدينة"   1 validation  A Nabil Bouitieh 

Quartier Generale   1 validation  martinadambro 
Please enter the Italian definition of this concept.
"Il termine si riferisce al luogo nel quale è concentrata la maggior parte delle più importanti funzioni di un'organizzazione. Il termine è usato specialmente in riferimento ad organizzazioni militari."   1 validation  martinadambro 

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