21 Feb 12:14 GMT

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hearing  Sergijus Kuzma 
an opportunity to state one's case.  Sergijus Kuzma (src: Oxford American Dictionary) 
"I think I had a fair hearing."  Sergijus Kuzma (src: Oxford American Dictionary) 

Base language : English 
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(bylos) nagrinėjimas   1 validation  Sergijus Kuzma 
Please enter the Lithuanian definition of this concept.

слушание   1 validation  Sergijus Kuzma 
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прослушване   1 validation  Sergijus Kuzma 
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gjykim i çështjes në gjyq   1 validation  Sergijus Kuzma 
Please enter the Albanian definition of this concept.

hörande   1 validation  Sergijus Kuzma 
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