18 Dec 02:28 GMT

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affidavit  Wordnet , afft  Giulia Barontini 
Written declaration made under oath; a written statement sworn to be true before someone legally authorized to administer an oath  Wordnet 

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eidesstattliche Versicherung   1 validation  Ellen Zittinger , eidliche Erklärung
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proces-verbal   1 validation  Gabrielle Weatherhead , declaratie pe propria raspundere   1 validation  Maria Tulbure 
Please enter the Romanian definition of this concept.

justificativo fines legales   1 validation  Jeanne Zang , declaración jurada, acta testimonial, afidavit   1 validation  Claudia Alvis , Testimonio // Declaraci�n Jurada   1 validation  Monica Colangelo , declaración jurada   1 validation  Greta Vera , Declaración Jurada   1 validation  maggy7 , Declaración jurada...   1 validation, declaración jurada   1 validation  charlesink , declaración jurada, acta testimonial, afidavit   1 validation  Dyran Altenburg 
Please enter the Spanish definition of this concept.

????? ????? ??????   1 validation  Alaa Zeineldine , تصريح مشفوع بالقسم   1 validation  Dana Leigh , شهادة بث إعلان   1 validation  Amer al-Azem 
Please enter the Arabic definition of this concept.

l'honneur dûment   1 validation  Huw Watkins , attestation sur l´honneur   1 validation  Marcela Serra Piana , déclaration sur l'honneur   1 validation  Maureen Holm, J.D., LL.M. 
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čestné prehlásenie   1 validation  angelsoul 
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宣誓供述書; 宣誓書   1 validation  trinity, Inc 
Please enter the Japanese definition of this concept.

Declaração Legal   1 validation  DrSantos , atestado; declaração juramentada; depoimento; garantia   1 validation  Simon Foakes , declaração juramentada   1 validation  Carina Lucindo 
Please enter the Portuguese definition of this concept.

declaració jurada, acta testimonial, afidavit   1 validation  Bàrbara Planas, Ph.D. 
Please enter the Catalan definition of this concept.

प्रतिज्ञापत्र /शपथपत्र   1 validation  truptee_n 
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KudoZ - eidesstattliche Versicherung > affidavit

KudoZ - proces-verbal > affidavit

KudoZ - eidesstattliche Versicherung > affidavit

KudoZ - justificativo fines legales > affidavit

KudoZ - After David > affidavit

KudoZ - affidavit > declaraci�n jurada

KudoZ - l'honneur d�ment > affidavit

KudoZ - attestation sur l�honneur > affidavit

KudoZ - Affidavit > Declaraci�n Jurada

KudoZ - ????? ????? ?????? > affidavit

KudoZ - Affidavit > ?estn� prehl�senie

KudoZ - d�claration sur l'honneur > affidavit

KudoZ - Affidavit > ????? ?? ?????

KudoZ - affidavit > ?????; ???

KudoZ - affidavit > Declaraci�n jurada...

KudoZ - affidavit > Declara��o Legal

KudoZ - declaraci�n jurada > affidavit

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