07 Feb 01:52 GMT

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capital  Wordnet , working capital  Wordnet 
Assets available for use in the production of further assets  Wordnet 

Base language : English 
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werkkapitaal   1 validation  Jérémie MARSCHALIK 
Please enter the Dutch definition of this concept.

fonds de roulement   1 validation, fonds de roulement   1 validation, fonds de roulement   1 validation  Jason Willis-Lee , fonds de roulement   1 validation  Gregory Fischer , capital de travail   1 validation  Robintech 
Please enter the French definition of this concept.

fondo de maniobra   1 validation  KateG , Fondo de maniobra   1 validation  Jason Willis-Lee , Capital de Trabajo   1 validation  bismanB3 , capital de trabajo   1 validation, capital de giro   1 validation  Suani Vera Camacho , capital de trabajo   1 validation  Rebecca Fincher , circulante   1 validation  aivars , capital de giro   1 validation, capital de trabajo   1 validation  Robintech 
Please enter the Spanish definition of this concept.

obrtna sredstva   1 validation  Tatjana Kovačec , radni kapital, obrtni kapital   1 validation  Gordana Podvezanec , radni kapital, obrtni kapital   1 validation  Gordana Podvezanec 
Please enter the Croatian definition of this concept.

obrtna sredstva   1 validation  Guido Villa 
Please enter the Serbian definition of this concept.

capitale circolante   2 validations  xxxSamuGlb 
Please enter the Italian definition of this concept.

modal usaha   1 validation  xxxmockingbird 
Please enter the Indonesian definition of this concept.

capital de giro   1 validation  LyaMoretti , capital de giro   1 validation, Fundo de maneio   1 validation  TE , capital de giro   1 validation  Jeanne Zang , capital circulante; capital de giro   1 validation  Simon Foakes , capital de giro   1 validation  Paulo Celestino Guimaraes 
Please enter the Portuguese definition of this concept.

fond de rulment   1 validation  marical 
Please enter the Romanian definition of this concept.

kapitał obrotowy   1 validation  AgataTom 
Please enter the Polish definition of this concept.

Nettoumlaufvermögen   1 validation  Elke Fehling 
Please enter the German definition of this concept.

Κεφάλαιο κίνησης   1 validation  Ioanna Karamitsa 
Please enter the Greek definition of this concept.

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KudoZ - werkkapitaal > fonds de roulement

KudoZ - fondo de maniobra > working capital

KudoZ - obrtna sredstva > fonds de roulement

KudoZ - obrtna sredstva > capitale circolante

KudoZ - modal usaha > working capital

KudoZ - Fondo de maniobra > working capital

KudoZ - Working Capital > Capital de Trabajo

KudoZ - capital de trabajo > working capital

KudoZ - fonds de roulement > working capital

KudoZ - capital de giro > working capital

KudoZ - working capital > capital de giro

KudoZ - fonds de roulement > working capital

KudoZ - capital de giro > working capital

KudoZ - capital de trabajo > working (investment) capital

KudoZ - fond de rulment > working capital

KudoZ - Fundo de maneio > working capital

KudoZ - circulante > working capital

KudoZ - capital de giro > working capital

KudoZ - capital de giro > working capital

KudoZ - kapita? obrotowy > working capital

KudoZ - working capital > Nettoumlaufverm�gen

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