07 Feb 04:19 GMT

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hyperlink, hyperlink, hyperlink, hyperlink  Wordnet , hyperlink  Claudio Chagas , hyperlink  Laurens Landkroon , hyperlink  elef 
A link from a hypertext file to another location or file; typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or icon at a particular location on the screen  Wordnet 
A hyperlink (often referred to as simply a link), is a reference or navigation element in a document to another section of the same document, another document, or a specified section of another document, that automatically brings the referred information to the user when the navigation element is selected by the user.  elef (src: Wikipedia) 
"To insert a hyperlink, such as an email address or a Web URL, type name for the link, such as "elef". Then highlight the text, right click, and select Hyperlink. "  elef 

Base language : English 
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lien hypertexte   1 validation  Mary Lalevee , hyperlien   1 validation  Sara Carmona , Hyperlien   1 validation  Catherine Laporte 
Un hyperlien ou lien hypertexte ou simplement lien, est une référence dans un système hypertexte permettant de passer automatiquement d'un document consulté à un document lié.   1 validation  elef (src: Wikipedia) 

Collegamento ipertestuale   1 validation  elef 
In informatica, un collegamento ipertestuale è un rinvio da un'unità informativa su supporto digitale ad un'altra. È ciò che caratterizza la non linearità dell’informazione propria di un ipertesto.Un collegamento ipertestuale ha lo scopo di condurre ad ulteriori unità informative (documenti, immagini, etc.) a partire da una prima unità ad esse correlata.   1 validation  elef (src: Wikipedia) 

hiperlink   1 validation
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Hypervinculo   1 validation  Catherine Laporte 
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hiperligação   1 validation  Claudio Chagas 
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Hyperlink   1 validation  Laurens Landkroon 
Please enter the German definition of this concept.

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KudoZ - lien hypertexte > hyperlink

KudoZ - hyperlink > hiperlink

KudoZ - hyperlink > hyperlien

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