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Generalists Generalists are approved on a language by language basis. The role of a generalist is to keep an overall watchfull eye on a particular language and perform such tasks as categorizing concepts, reviewing new and old Wikiwords data, and review items that have been flagged for attention.
*Note: The rights and abilities of this role are still being worked out. Ukrainian Turkish Tagalog Russian Portuguese Norwegian Latin Italian French Finnish Spanish English Dutch German Catalan Bulgarian Arabic Serbian
| Language-field specialist Language-field specialists are approved on a language-field basis. They perform nearly the same tasks as a generalist, but center on their approved language and field.
*Note: The rights and abilities of this role are still being worked out. Turkish Tamil Swedish Slovak Romanian Portuguese Polish Latin Italian Hungarian Greek (Ancient) Georgian French Spanish English German Danish Bulgarian Arabic Serbian
|  | Concept of the day Readily reacting to people or events. |