25 Apr 01:40 GMT

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anemia  Wordnet , anaemia  Wordnet 
A deficiency of red blood cells  Wordnet 
a condition in which there is a reduction in the size and voulume of red blood corscles or total amount of hemoglbin te bloodstream.  abufaraz (src: Webster) 
A deficiency in the blood, usually of red cells or their haemoglobin, resulting in pallor and weariness  A Nabil Bouitieh (src: The Concise Oxford Dictionary) 

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ِۡقِلتِ خُون ، قِلت الدم ، بھُس   1 validation  abufaraz 

anemia   1 validation  Paola Giardina 
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فقر الحديد بالدم.   1 validation  A Nabil Bouitieh 
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