07 Feb 00:46 GMT

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roaming  Dejvi Mero , roaming  Sophia Jusoff , roaming  António Ribeiro , roaming  xxxRolf Buesken , roaming  BCB , Roaming  Ana Romero , roaming  Yllart Martinez , roaming, Roaming, roaming  Ana Franco , roaming  dickon , roaming  Irina Glozman , Roaming  Doris Fukuda , roaming  Claudio Chagas , roaming  Geoffroy Destrebecq 
a service offered by most cellular service providers that allows subscribers to use cellular service while traveling outside their home service area. The areas / countries you can roam in and the cost will depend on which service provider you use. Roaming requires an agreement between operators of technologically compatible systems in individual markets to permit customers of either operator to access the other’s systems.  Geoffroy Destrebecq (src: http://www.cellphones.ca/resources/r/) 

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nomadisme   1 validation  Philip Watterson , itinérance mobile   1 validation  Geoffroy Destrebecq , itinérance   1 validation  Geoffroy Destrebecq 
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perantauan   1 validation  Thomas Sneddon 
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mobilidade   1 validation, itinerância   1 validation  Claudio Chagas 
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Roaming   1 validation
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itinerante   1 validation  Conano , roaming   1 validation, llamada ITINERANTE   1 validation, itinerante, itineración   1 validation  Doris Fukuda 
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περιαγωγή   1 validation  dickon 
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роуминг   1 validation  Irina Glozman 
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KudoZ - nomadisme > roaming

KudoZ - roaming > perantauan

KudoZ - roaming > mobilidade

KudoZ - roaming > Roaming

KudoZ - roaming > itinerante

KudoZ - Roaming > Roaming

KudoZ - roaming > roaming

KudoZ - roaming > llamada ITINERANTE

KudoZ - Roaming > Roaming

KudoZ - roaming > itinerante, itineraci�n

KudoZ - roaming > ?????????

KudoZ - roaming > ???????

KudoZ - Roaming > itinerante, itineraci�n

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