19 Apr 01:53 GMT

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melayar, layari , browse  Wordnet , surf  Wordnet 
Look around casually and randomly, without seeking anything in particular  Wordnet 
To use a web browser to look at websites on the Internet.  Miranda Joubioux 
"Browse a computer directory."   Wordnet 
"Surf the internet or the world wide web."  Wordnet 

Base language : English 
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Duyệt qua (web, thông tin)   1 validation  phamhungbs 
browse   1 validation  phamhungbs 

navegar   1 validation  Paula Góes , surfar   1 validation  Paula Góes 
consultar seqüencialmente diversos hipertextos, acionando os links neles contidos para passar de um para outro   1 validation  Paula Góes (src: Houaiss) 
"Ele passa horas navegando na internet"   1 validation  Paula Góes 

сърфирам   1 validation  Ivaylo Ivanov 
Разглеждам различни страници в интернет, за да търся информация; ровя се.   1 validation  Emilia Vinarova 

navigare (in Internet)   1 validation  Marina Zinno 
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naviguer   2 validations
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Browse   1 validation  Rovrinna 
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navegar   1 validation  Bàrbara Planas, Ph.D. 
Please enter the Catalan definition of this concept.

navegar   1 validation  Bàrbara Planas, Ph.D. 
Please enter the Spanish definition of this concept.

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