30 Jan 17:34 GMT

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Collection owner:
Enza Longo (0 pts)

106 total concepts
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Trata-se afinal de investigar o Centro de Transplanta��o e todo um conjunto de caracter�sticas,de virtualidades e de defeitos, Lastly, we shall investigate the Transplant Center and a set of characteristics, eventualities and defects differentiating it fro (English) Enza Longo 
l�appr�ciation assess / assessment (English) Enza Longo 
..au fil de l'eau on an ad hoc basis / event-based (English) Enza Longo 
(faire suer) � blanc fry until translucent (English) Enza Longo 
aberta com florestas de galeria opened with gallery forests (English) Enza Longo 
al di sotto delle quali T4 viene silenziato below which T4 is silenced (English) Enza Longo 
Albo dei dottori agronomi e forestali registry of agronomists and foresters (English) Enza Longo 
Amanh� � feriado nacional: Dia de Finados tomorrow is a national holiday: All Souls' Day (English) Enza Longo 
articoli non validi discontinued items (English) Enza Longo 
atestado medico de incapacidade multiuso medical certificate for multiple disabilities (English) Enza Longo 
autocontr�le self-check or self-checking (English) Enza Longo 
autour de around (English) Enza Longo 
balan�o balancing (English) Enza Longo 
batota cheating aspect (English) Enza Longo 
CA (chiffre d'affaires) revenue (US) turnover (UK) (English) Enza Longo 
ce que le Client accepte which the customer accepts (English) Enza Longo 
codice fiscale tax number or tax identification number (English) Enza Longo 
completati e valutabili completed and evaluated (English) Enza Longo 
comprise de mani�re homog�ne is consistently understood (English) Enza Longo 

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