06 Feb 20:18 GMT

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Technical Trixie
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Collection owner:
Monica Colangelo (0 pts)

137 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
'grass/gravel/snow' Engineering (general) Monica Colangelo 
1er. piso (in the UK) First Floor (English) Monica Colangelo 
a comprehensive array of slip control systems Engineering (general) Monica Colangelo 
Abrading Machine Engineering (general) Monica Colangelo 
ABS, Acrilo Butadiène Styrène Engineering (general) modilingua 
Acero laminado en fr�o Engineering (general) Monica Colangelo 
ACPM Diesel Oil (ACPM) (English) Monica Colangelo 
Amplitud de onda del l�ser distance between two adjacent wave crests Monica Colangelo 
Amplitud de onda del l�ser Engineering (general) Monica Colangelo 
An engine that drives the transmission gear of a gearbox Motor que activa el mecanismo de transmisi�n de la caja de cambios (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
as large as the pressure increase was in the earlier example lo cual representa solo un 7.4% del aumento de presi�n verificado en el ejemplo anterior (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
ASO CAUSTIC WASTER Equipo para eliminaci�n de residuos c�usticos seg�n normas ASO (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
Banco �ptico Engineering (general) Monica Colangelo 
Bezel Engineering (general) Monica Colangelo 
Blowing agent Agente soplador (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
Bounce Email Processing Procesamiento de emails (mensajes electr�nicos) devueltos (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
budded plants Plantas injertadas (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
Burr washer Engineering (general) Monica Colangelo 
By trial and error M�todo de prueba y error (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 

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