30 Jan 17:00 GMT

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Collection owner:
Nikki Graham (0 pts)

80 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
agua de pantanos para el consumo No drinking water but rainwater collected in a reservoir for domestic use, ... Nikki Graham 
agua encauzada Rivers which by artificial influences don't flow any more in their normal w... Nikki Graham 
agujero descubierto, agujero revestido open hole, cased hole (English) Nikki Graham 
alargamiento de rotura elongation to break (English) Nikki Graham 
aluminio anodizado Aluminium which is anodised Nikki Graham 
aluminio extrusionado Aluminium squeezed to a certain form. Nikki Graham 
aluminio lacado Aluminium on which has been applied a layer of lacque. Nikki Graham 
aluminio martillado Aluminium treated with a hammer to have its actual form. Nikki Graham 
aluminio oxidado oxidised aluminium (English) Nikki Graham 
aluminio pulido polished aluminium (English) Nikki Graham 
aluminio purísimo super pure aluminium (English) Nikki Graham 
aluminio puro pure aluminium (English) Nikki Graham 
atención y solución de problemas customer care/service and problem-solving (English) Nikki Graham 
bandeja portaequipos gear tray (English) Nikki Graham 
baritina barytes (English) Nikki Graham 
BIES fire hose rack assembly (cabinets) (English) Nikki Graham 
bio-related autentication autenticación biométrica (Spanish) Nikki Graham 
boucle A fabric of uneven yarn that has an uneven knobby effect
cabecera de planta plant intake (English) Nikki Graham 
cabezas de cementación de tuberías de revestimiento cementing heads of casing pipes (English) Nikki Graham 

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