04 May 08:13 GMT

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Misc. Trixie
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Collection owner:
Monica Colangelo (0 pts)

51 total concepts
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rungs to be alined Escalones que se despliegan en forma autom�tica... (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
anticipated prevista (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
as if they are on a conveyor out of a development factory Se puede apreciar una profusi�n de nuevas tecnolog�as y maquinarias que parecen salir de la planta (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
asi que......de turismo You see, I wanted to do my very best and, as you suggested to me, I declared I was a tourist (English) Monica Colangelo 
block of Noodles with soup Barra de fideos deshidratados con polvo para preparar sopa (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
boleadoras (pl.) A throwing weapon made of weights on the ends of interconnected cords... Monica Colangelo 
Bs. As. Capital and largest city of Argentina; located in eastern Argentina near U...
Bus lounge (Arrivals) / Bus lounge (departures) Sala de espera de �mnibus (Llegadas) // Sala de espera de �mnibus (Salidas) (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
chaco salte�o Monica Colangelo 
control and command systems Sistemas de control y dominio (comando) (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
dot-com A company that operates its business primarily on the internet using a URL ...
encls. ? Monica Colangelo 
ET Standard time in the 5th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 75th ...
extreme makeover: home edition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
farther reaching influence con una influencia mucho m�s notoria (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
follow-up seguimiento (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
For easy connecting and disconnecting of hose-end products and hoses Para conectar y desconectar mangueras y accesorios en forma simple (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
free classified Aviso (clasificado) gratis (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
free standing temporary displays Displays port�tiles (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
happy fortieth birthday �Felices cuarenta! (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 

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