18 Apr 17:59 GMT

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Collection owner:
Romanian Translator (160 pts)

67 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
filmato advertising clip (English) Romanian Translator 
filo affaccio VVFF the wall pointing to the VVFF courtyard/unit (English) Romanian Translator 
filo affaccio VVFF the wall pointing to the VVFF courtyard/unit (English) Romanian Translator 
forma avazada dell'interessamento del rachide Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Romanian Translator 
forniture di bordo Engineering (general) Romanian Translator 
informativa, rendicontativa e dispositiva of informative, reporting and applicable/applicatory/applicative nature (English) Romanian Translator 
Instituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalisation and Health Care (English) Romanian Translator 
Instituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalisation and Health Care (English) Romanian Translator 
Le Langoustier Le Langoustier (English) Romanian Translator 
medusa Zoology Romanian Translator 
oggetto della controversia the subject of controversy (English) Romanian Translator 
ordinanza provvisoriamente esecutiva provisional execution order (English), ordin provizoriu de executie (Romanian) Romanian Translator 
ordinanza provvisoriamente esecutiva provisional execution order (English), ordin provizoriu de executie (Romanian) Romanian Translator 
oscilloperturbografia Energy / Power Generation John Walsh 
per l’affermazione di una Economics Romanian Translator 
perpetuate Cause to continue or prevail
personale di condotta train drivers (English), conductori de tren (Romanian) Romanian Translator 
poveretti è troppo diffile capirlo...giuro che li mando a stendere tra un po.... poor things, is too hard for them to get it...I swear I'll send them shortly to lay down/to rest (English) Romanian Translator 
proposte di governo government proposals/incentives (English) Romanian Translator 
quartz back up Engineering (general) Romanian Translator 

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