30 Jan 17:45 GMT

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Collection owner:
lingua chick (260 pts)

80 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
čistý úrokový výnos po zohžadnení rizika net interest profit after notional interest deduction (English), UxQWtFbEbWxFzfvuI (Siswant) lingua chick 
účetní závěrka Financial Markets = Finance lingua chick 
arm's length transaction Financial Markets = Finance lingua chick 
articles of association Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
balance of claims + liabilities Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
bilateral trade agreement Bilateral trade agreement lingua chick 
blankosměnka Financial Markets = Finance lingua chick 
bonitá část aktiv Financial Markets = Finance lingua chick 
cena tepla v palivu fuel energy price/cost (English) lingua chick 
charakterové hodnotenie (pracovníka) personal assessment / appraisal (English) lingua chick 
Chief Registrar A person in charge of archives Marek Obdrzalek 
cislo objednavky Other
cleared forward contract Financial Markets = Finance lingua chick 
danový doklad Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
deliverables Economics lingua chick 
DHIM-Drobný Hmotný Investičný Majetok Financial Markets = Finance lingua chick 

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