methetmek 1 validation Özden Arıkan övmek; birinin olumlu, güzel, üstün özelliklerini öne çıkararak onu yüceltmek 1 validation Özden Arıkan (src: TDK)
louvar 1 validation Henrique Magalhaes louvar, elogiar 1 validation Henrique Magalhaes
"Louvei a beleza do jardim dela." 1 validation Henrique Magalhaes
восхвалять 1 validation Ekaterina Guerbek Хваля, превозносить, прославлять.
1 validation Ekaterina Guerbek
"Газеты на все лады восхваляли его талант." 1 validation Ekaterina Guerbek
auf jemanden ein Loblied singen 1 validation belitrix , jemanden über den grünen Klee loben 1 validation belitrix Jemanden überaus für seine Verdienste loben. 1 validation belitrix
memuji 1 validation dharma negara Please enter the Indonesian definition of this concept.
"to extol its beauty to the skies. = memuji kecantikannya setinggi langit." 1 validation dharma negara (src: H Shadily )
chanter les louanges 1 validation Miranda Joubioux , glorifier 1 validation Miranda Joubioux , exalter 1 validation Miranda Joubioux , porter aux nues 1 validation Miranda Joubioux Please enter the French definition of this concept.
"Tout le monde chantait ses louanges; tous ceux qui la connaissait répétaient sans fin: "Heureux celui qui la prendra." 1 validation Miranda Joubioux (src: Guy de Maupassant: "Les Bijoux")
възхвалявам 1 validation Ivaylo Ivanov , славя 1 validation Ivaylo Ivanov , възвеличавам 1 validation Ivaylo Ivanov , величая 1 validation Ivaylo Ivanov Please enter the Bulgarian definition of this concept.
تعریف کرنا ، توصیف کرنا ، ستائش کرنا 1 validation abufaraz Please enter the Urdu definition of this concept.