28 Oct 23:59 GMT

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Collection owner:
lingua chick (260 pts)

37 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
Ad 4 Addendum 4 (English) lingua chick 
beneficial interest under a trust Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
compulsory enforcement Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
decision of the person hearing the appeal will be final Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
dovolanie Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
evidenční list Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
fiduciary Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
hereinafter called... Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
hmotný majetek Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
judgement on default Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
krajský obchodní soud Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
Legal Aid Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
legal requirement Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
made with a “registry note” lingua chick 
maintenance is due according to the means výška výživného je stanovena dle finančních prostředků.. (Czech) lingua chick 
new legislation was passed Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 
no longer exercises the relevant function již dále nevykonává příslušnou funkci (Czech) lingua chick 
notification of the writ oznámení soudního příkazu (Czech) lingua chick 
občanský zákonník Patents = Law: Patents lingua chick 

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