29 Jan 00:26 GMT

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Collection owner:
paula arturo (40735 pts)

334 total concepts
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ídem pancreas divisum Medical (general) paula arturo 
íleo paralítico adynamic ileus Medical (general) paula arturo 
íleon ileum Medical (general) paula arturo 
ácido clorhídrico hydrochloric acid Medical (general) paula arturo 
ácido y pepsina acid and pepsin Medical (general) paula arturo 
ácidos biliares bile acids Medical (general) paula arturo 
ácidos grasos fatty acids Medical (general) paula arturo 
ángulo duodenoyeyunal duodenojejunal angle Medical (general) paula arturo 
árbol biliar biliary tree Medical (general) paula arturo 
acidez de estómago heartburn Medical (general) paula arturo 
adrenocorticoides adrenocorticosteroids Medical (general) paula arturo 
adventicia adventitia Medical (general) paula arturo 
agua puede instilarse en... water can be infused into... Medical (general) paula arturo 
albúmina albumin Medical (general) paula arturo 
alimentos recubiertos de bario barium-coated food Medical (general) paula arturo 
almidón starch A complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and st
amígdala tonsil Either of two masses of lymphatic tissue one on each side of the oral phary
amilasa amylase Medical (general) paula arturo 
amilasa sérica elevada elevated serum amylase Medical (general) paula arturo 
ampolla ampulla Medical (general) paula arturo 

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