02 Feb 13:59 GMT

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Collection owner:
Dyran Altenburg (5 pts)

653 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
"Dumping Reports to Screen, Diskette and Tape" Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
"If no," Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
"If yes," Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
"Msgs Rcvd Cnt, Total" Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
"Rcvd Fax Msg Sz, bytes" Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
(BBS) Bulletin Board Services We Are The Most Reliable Online Pharnacy Store http://cheappharm.0catch.co Dyran Altenburg 
2.0 version and greater Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
24 Hr. Prompt first Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
30 Minute Automatic Traffic Statistics Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
30 Minute Class of Service Statistics Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
Abort Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
Access NP Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
Access NP AMA Transmitter Application Administration Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
Access NP AMIS Analog Configuration and Administration Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
Access NP Application Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 
Access NP Digital Messaging Network Administration Telecom(munications) Dyran Altenburg 

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