20 Apr 08:06 GMT

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Collection owner:
xxxFionaDV (15 pts)

8 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
bediendestatuut employee status (English) xxxFionaDV 
fortuintoestand financial condition or balance sheet (English) xxxFionaDV 
hypotheek-mandaat mortgage mandate or authorization (English), mortgage mandate (English) xxxFionaDV 
instapklare woning immediate occupancy / ready-to-move-in home (English) xxxFionaDV 
kleindochtermaatschappij Financial Markets = Finance xxxFionaDV 
OI Ongevallen Inzittenden Verzekering / Personal Accident Insurance (English) xxxFionaDV 
voor echt en waarachtig verklaard certified as true and correct (English) xxxFionaDV 
voorgelegd ter verlenging submitted for extension (English) xxxFionaDV 

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