18 Apr 23:40 GMT

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intangible assets, intangible fixed assets, intangible  Wordnet , intangible asset  Wordnet 
Assets that are saleable though not material or physical  Wordnet 

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imobilizari necorporale   1 validation  ramonam , imobilizări necorporale   1 validation  pur 
Please enter the Romanian definition of this concept.

valeurs incorporelles   1 validation  GillW (MCIL) , actifs incorporels   1 validation  Cristina Giannetti , actifs incorporels   1 validation
Please enter the French definition of this concept.

immobilizzazione immateriale   1 validation  Michael Deliso , Immobilizzazioni immateriali   1 validation  Michael Deliso 
Please enter the Italian definition of this concept.

Imobilizado Incorporeo   1 validation  Douglas Divers , Imobilizações Incorpóreas   1 validation  Isabel Pinto , ativo intangível; bem incorpóreo   1 validation  Simon Foakes 
Please enter the Portuguese definition of this concept.

onlichamelijke zaken   1 validation  Lucy Spring 
Please enter the Dutch definition of this concept.

Wartości niematerialne I prawne   1 validation  LukaszPL , Wartości niematerialne I prawne   1 validation  LukaszPL , Wartości niematerialne i prawne   1 validation  Jay Whitten 
Please enter the Polish definition of this concept.

immateriella anläggningstillgångar   1 validation  Jan Schauseil 
Please enter the Swedish definition of this concept.

immaterielle Anlagevermögen   1 validation  Miriam Ludwig 
Please enter the German definition of this concept.

нематериални активи   1 validation  Irina Popova 
Please enter the Bulgarian definition of this concept.

inmovilizado inmaterial   1 validation  Nikki Graham 
Please enter the Spanish definition of this concept.

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KudoZ - imobilizari necorporale > intangible assets

KudoZ - valeurs incorporelles > intangible assets

KudoZ - IMMOBILIZZAZIONI IMMATERIALI > Intangible fixed assets

KudoZ - immobilizzazione immateriale > intangible fixed assets

KudoZ - les actifs incorporels > le immobilizzazioni immateriali

KudoZ - Imobilizado Incorporeo > Intangible Fixed Assets

KudoZ - Immobilizzazioni immateriali > Intangible fixed assets

KudoZ - onlichamelijke zaken > Intangible assets/property

KudoZ - intangible assets > actifs incorporels

KudoZ - immateriella anl�ggningstillg�ngar > intangible (fixed) assets

KudoZ - Imobiliza��es Incorp�reas > intangible fixed assets

KudoZ - imobiliz?ri necorporale > intangible assets

KudoZ - Immobilizzazioni Immateriali > immaterielle Anlageverm�gen

KudoZ - intangible assets > ???????????? ??????

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