25 Apr 16:55 GMT

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prosecutor  Wordnet , public prosecutor  Wordnet , prosecuting officer  Wordnet , prosecuting attorney  Wordnet 
A government official who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state  Wordnet 

Base language : English 
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fiscal   1 validation  Elena Simonelli , fiscal   1 validation, Abogado Fiscal   1 validation  Feng Shui , procurador fiscal   1 validation  Gail , fiscalía   1 validation, Ministerio Público Fiscal   1 validation  Adriana Torres , Ministerio Público, Fiscal   1 validation  maría josé mantero obiols , abogado acusador o fiscal   1 validation  Paola Giardina 
Please enter the Spanish definition of this concept.

Pubblico Ministero   1 validation, P.M.   1 validation  John O'Brien , Avvocato dell'accusa   1 validation  Giulia Barontini 
Please enter the Italian definition of this concept.

parket   1 validation  xxxJako , Officier van justitie   1 validation  Pocket Cathy , Officier van justitie   1 validation  Evert DELOOF-SYS 
Please enter the Dutch definition of this concept.

Staatsanwalt   1 validation  Carolina316 , staatsanwalt   1 validation, Staatsanwalt   1 validation  Erik Hansson , staatsanwalt   1 validation  Evert DELOOF-SYS 
Please enter the German definition of this concept.

allm�n �klagare   1 validation  Erik Hansson 
Please enter the Swedish definition of this concept.

المدعي العام   1 validation  Arabella K- , المدعي العام   1 validation  Mueen Issa , المدعي العام   1 validation  A Nabil Bouitieh 
Please enter the Arabic definition of this concept.

ministère public   1 validation, MP (Ministère Public)   1 validation  maría josé mantero obiols 
Please enter the French definition of this concept.

justiça pública   1 validation  Carina Lucindo , Promotor público   1 validation  Paulo Celestino Guimaraes 
Please enter the Portuguese definition of this concept.

прокуратура   1 validation  Nadzeya Manilava , прокуратура   1 validation  Nadzeya Manilava 
Please enter the Russian definition of this concept.

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KudoZ - fiscal > pubblico ministero

KudoZ - pubblico ministero > fiscal

KudoZ - Abogado Fiscal > Pubblico Ministero

KudoZ - pubblico ministero > nota

KudoZ - P.M. > Pubblico Ministero

KudoZ - parket > public prosecutor

KudoZ - P.M. > Public Prosecutor

KudoZ - Public Prosecutor > Staatsanwalt

KudoZ - staatsanwalt > Officier van justitie

KudoZ - procurador fiscal > public prosecutor

KudoZ - ?????? ????? > Public Prosecutor

KudoZ - public prosecutor > ?????? ?????

KudoZ - fiscal�a > minist�re public

KudoZ - Ministerio P�blico Fiscal > Public Prosecutor

KudoZ - MP (Minist�re Public) > Ministerio P�blico, Fiscal

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