28 Oct 23:59 GMT

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Serbo-Croat: Food & Dairy

Term/concept Contributor
limunska trava Cooking / CulinaryFood & Dairy Bogdan Petrovic 
namenska brasna Food & Dairy Bogdan Petrovic 
poriluk Biljka slicna vjelikom mladom bjelome luku.
oslic Food & Dairy Nina Breebaart 
klekovaca Food & Dairy Bogdan Petrovic 
testenine Food & Dairy
arricoka A thistle-like flower head with edible fleshy leaves and heart KudoZ 
palmitinska kiselina Food & Dairy Bogdan Petrovic 
pojacivac ukusa Food & Dairy Bogdan Petrovic 
mo�t od gro�đa Grape juice before or during fermentation KudoZ 
ora�asti plodovi Food & Dairy
hidrogeniziran Food & Dairy Bogdan Petrovic 
vegan A strict vegetarian; someone who eats no animal or dairy products at all.

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