01 Feb 22:49 GMT

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Spanish: Automotive / Cars & Trucks

Term/concept Contributor
Furgoneta(s) tipo Automotive / Cars & Trucks xxxMANGOLD 
Contenedor rodante Automotive / Cars & Trucks xxxMANGOLD 
pista 4x4 Automotive / Cars & Trucks Valeria Verona 
jarcias y aparejos Automotive / Cars & Trucks normita 
avance a intervalos Operatation mode in which a movement is only possible while touching a key. Fabio Descalzi 
NO. CVF Automotive / Cars & Trucks Szymon Wcisło 
catafalca Automotive / Cars & Trucks Mariana Moreira 
pasador Automotive / Cars & Trucks Christian Arista 
compas de bisagra Automotive / Cars & Trucks Brigitta Lange 
banco/bancada de cilindros Automotive / Cars & Trucks Jesús Calzado 
eje adicional intermedio Automotive / Cars & Trucks Patricia Alfonso 
funciona forzado Automotive / Cars & Trucks xxxBAmary 
junta de acople Automotive / Cars & Trucks Jesús Calzado 
raspando Automotive / Cars & Trucks Toña Morales-Calkins 
segmentos Automotive / Cars & Trucks Judi O'Brien 
transductores Automotive / Cars & Trucks carloscristiani 
pasada de frenada Automotive / Cars & Trucks Ludivine Duquenoy 
molduras Automotive / Cars & Trucks Manuel Rodriguez 
espacio para pies Automotive / Cars & Trucks Mar Brotons 
muesca Automotive / Cars & Trucks Karin R 

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