23 Apr 21:04 GMT

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Italian: Politics = Government

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draconiano Estremamente severo e rigido.
guerra fredda A state of political conflict using means short of armed warfare Miranda Joubioux 
panacea Hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemist
Fondo Monetario Internazionale A United Nations agency to promote trade by increasing the exchange stabili
FMI A United Nations agency to promote trade by increasing the exchange stabili
annessione ampliamento del territorio di uno stato mediante l’unione spec. forza...
extraterritorialità Politics = Government Juan Perello 
fabianismo Fabianism The Fabian Society is a British socialist intellectual movement, Juan Perello 
dottrina Monroe An American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere
rivoluzione È un mutamento improvviso e profondo che comporta la rottura di un modello ...
girotondo Manifestazione pacifica di protesta i cui partecipanti si prendono in mano ... xxxsilvia b 
balcanizzazione Politics = Government xxxsilvia b 
organizzazione non governativa An organization that is not part of the local or state or federal governmen
ONG An organization that is not part of the local or state or federal governmen
distensione rilassamento, calma, miglioramento della situazione politica di uno Stato o...
patto di Varsavia An organization of Central and Eastern European Communist states, establish Henrik Pipoyan 
prigioniero politico Someone who is imprisoned because of their political views

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