06 Feb 18:58 GMT

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French: Patents = Law: Patents

Term/concept Contributor
mesure de puissance publique Patents = Law: Patents Christine Schmit 
caisse populaire Patents = Law: Patents Paula Cioffi 
redressement judiciaire A court action that places property under the control of a receiver during Silvia Prendin 
inspecteur principal Patents = Law: Patents RB Translations 
pour extrait conforme Patents = Law: Patents RB Translations 
le p�nal tient le civil en �tat Patents = Law: Patents Evert DELOOF-SYS 
une ordonnance contradictoire Patents = Law: Patents Evert DELOOF-SYS 
L'ordonnance a �t� signifi�e au demandeur Patents = Law: Patents Evert DELOOF-SYS 
Condamnation conditionnelle Patents = Law: Patents Monica Colangelo 
en tant qu'exploitant Patents = Law: Patents Enza Longo 
vol Patents = Law: Patents Loredana Vicario 
droit d'exemption Patents = Law: Patents Sherefedin MUSTAFA 
revendication Patents = Law: Patents Robintech 
copropri�taire indivis Patents = Law: Patents Robintech 
� toutes fins utiles Patents = Law: Patents Robintech 
caract�re tacite Patents = Law: Patents Robintech 
par la pr�sente / par le pr�sent document Patents = Law: Patents Robintech 
appel suspensif Patents = Law: Patents Nadzeya Manilava 
suspensif (adj) Patents = Law: Patents Nadzeya Manilava 
susceptible (adj) Patents = Law: Patents Nadzeya Manilava 

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