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English: Law: Contract(s)

Term/concept Contributor
adhesion contract A contract that heavily restricts one party while leaving the other free (a... Wordnet 
contract of adhesion A contract that heavily restricts one party while leaving the other free (a... Wordnet 
commodatum contratto in base al quale si concede un prestito gratuito di un bene immob Emma Cox 
gatuitous bailment, commodate contratto in base al quale si concede un prestito gratuito di un bene immob Emma Cox 
Loan for use contratto in base al quale si concede un prestito gratuito di un bene immob Emma Cox 
gratuitous contratto in base al quale si concede un prestito gratuito di un bene immob Emma Cox 
comodato contratto in base al quale si concede un prestito gratuito di un bene immob Emma Cox 
lessor Law: Contract(s) Benjamin Ernst 
lessee Law: Contract(s) Benjamin Ernst 
party Law: Contract(s) Benjamin Ernst 
celebrar Law: Contract(s) Benjamin Ernst 
fee Law: Contract(s) Benjamin Ernst 
sales tax Law: Contract(s) Benjamin Ernst 
without limitation Law: Contract(s) Lucyna Długołęcka 
affiliate Law: Contract(s) Lucyna Długołęcka 
applicable law Law: Contract(s) Lucyna Długołęcka 
assign Law: Contract(s) Lucyna Długołęcka 
be in default Law: Contract(s) Lucyna Długołęcka 
business practice Law: Contract(s) Lucyna Długołęcka 
conciliatory Law: Contract(s) Lucyna Długołęcka 

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