01 May 02:52 GMT

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Chinese: Tech/Engineering > Internet, e-Commerce

Term/concept Contributor
NJStar Communicator Internet, e-Commerce UCTrans 
NJStar Communicator Internet, e-Commerce UCTrans 
~{J9~}...~{MQ@k~} Internet, e-Commerce lichee 
FYI Internet, e-Commerce Carol C.W. CHUNG 
下载 Transfer a file or program from a central computer to a smaller computer or KudoZ 
cookie A short line of text that a web site puts on your computer''s hard drive wh KudoZ 
~{Mx5j=a:O~} Internet, e-Commerce Xiaoping Fu 
电子之家 Internet, e-Commerce Denyce Seow 
多线程工具 Internet, e-Commerce Ralph Dunsdon 
登录 Internet, e-Commerce Jenny Lu 
门户 Internet, e-Commerce kschong 
模板 Internet, e-Commerce Wilman 
返回页首 Internet, e-Commerce Tsogt Gombosuren 
网络接入帐户 Internet, e-Commerce Carol C.W. CHUNG 
重新整理 Internet, e-Commerce Carol C.W. CHUNG 
版主 Internet, e-Commerce Malgorzata Souffez 
屏幕快照 Internet, e-Commerce Carol C.W. CHUNG 
白色标签方案 Internet, e-Commerce Carol C.W. CHUNG 
自动弹出的广告窗口 Internet, e-Commerce Carol C.W. CHUNG 
q版的 Internet, e-Commerce Marc Van Gastel 

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