03 Dec 16:51 GMT

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Portuguese: IT (Information Technology)

Term/concept Contributor
vetoramento IT (Information Technology) Maria India 
multiplexador ISO, CAN IT (Information Technology) A. Carolina Melo 
emissor da ordem IT (Information Technology) Paulo Sergio 
recebedor da mercadoria IT (Information Technology) Paulo Sergio 
identificador de impressora IT (Information Technology) Isabel Remelgado 
suporte a scripts IT (Information Technology) ricardomorgado 
solucionar/corrigir o problema IT (Information Technology) ricardomorgado 
aquecimento posterior IT (Information Technology) ricardomorgado 
dinamiza IT (Information Technology) A. Carolina Melo 
cabelagem de rede IT (Information Technology) Marta Marques 
sensor Reed IT (Information Technology) ricardomorgado 
caminho de cliques IT (Information Technology) Vanessa Marques 
dados de detalhes IT (Information Technology) Camila Oliveira 
bloqueador de pop-ups IT (Information Technology) Eduardo López 
pisco IT (Information Technology) lexical 
multi-threaded ou multi-segmentado IT (Information Technology) David Alexandre 
exame pelos pares IT (Information Technology) robson souza 
chicote (pigtail) IT (Information Technology) Paulo Rocha 
descompactar IT (Information Technology) Teresa Cristina Felix de Sousa 
clonado IT (Information Technology) Robert Prest 

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