30 Jan 18:07 GMT

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Dutch: Finance (general)

Term/concept Contributor
Rekening courant A bank account against which the depositor can drawn checks payable on dema KudoZ 
aftrekbaar AccountingAudit = FinanceBanking = FinanceBusiness/Commerce (general)EconomicsFinance (general)Financial Markets = FinanceInvestment / SecuritiesLabor = Human ResourcesLaw: Taxation & CustomsTax = Law: Tax Claudia Alvis 
aftrekbaar AccountingAudit = FinanceBanking = FinanceBusiness/Commerce (general)EconomicsFinance (general)Financial Markets = FinanceInvestment / SecuritiesLabor = Human ResourcesLaw: Taxation & CustomsTax = Law: Tax Claudia Alvis 
postcode A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sortin KudoZ 
pay a deposit / make a downpayment (or initial payment) Business/Commerce (general)Finance (general)Other Laurens Landkroon 
werkkapitaal Assets available for use in the production of further assets KudoZ 
valutajaar Any accounting period of 12 months KudoZ 
boekjaar Any accounting period of 12 months Personal glossary 
belastingjaar Any accounting period of 12 months
Geinduceerd netto werkkapitaal (see constituents) Finance (general) xxxjarry 

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