03 Dec 16:37 GMT

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Spanish: Contracts = Law: Contract

Term/concept Contributor
provisiones necesarias Contracts = Law: Contract Gabriela Vidalon 
T.C. Contracts = Law: Contract Myriam S 
delante el notario Contracts = Law: Contract KateG 
empresas suministradoras Contracts = Law: Contract Aoife Kennedy 
cargo contable Contracts = Law: Contract Aoife Kennedy 
encabezamiento expresado Contracts = Law: Contract Cristina Golab 
socios interventores Contracts = Law: Contract peterinmadrid 
recepcion cualitativa Contracts = Law: Contract Adam Burman 
derivador capacitivo Contracts = Law: Contract Chanda Danley 
tasa de SER Contracts = Law: Contract Chanda Danley 
cursada Contracts = Law: Contract Chanda Danley 
vinculo Contracts = Law: Contract Chanda Danley 
Condicion final derogatoria Contracts = Law: Contract Adam Burman 
folletos de ventas Contracts = Law: Contract Mariela Malanij 
cesion en garantia Contracts = Law: Contract Chanda Danley 
apalancamiento Contracts = Law: Contract Susana Sancho 
contrato promesa Contracts = Law: Contract Neil Rear 
de fecha this is a prepositional phrase expressing the date, generally of a document SpanTran 
acuerdo de socios Contracts = Law: Contract Neil Rear 
sello de agua Contracts = Law: Contract Nina Breebaart 

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