05 May 12:58 GMT

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Portuguese: Clothing = Textiles

Term/concept Contributor
produto importado Clothing = Textiles Barbara Andruccioli 
manchar/sujar Clothing = Textiles Mopb 
rolo adesivo Clothing = Textiles Simone Tosta 
estilo retro Clothing = Textiles xxxNorberto 
de cor natural Clothing = Textiles Ana Gomez Lopez 
embutido Clothing = Textiles Ana Gomez Lopez 
seda nacarada Clothing = Textiles OdeteGuimarães 
Ringspun Clothing = Textiles Ana Gomez Lopez 
orla do cano Clothing = Textiles Tania Martins 
Murmansk Clothing = Textiles Francis Kastalski 
fibra de alce Clothing = Textiles Francis Kastalski 
helanca Clothing = Textiles SDAnderson 
penteados presos Clothing = Textiles Karen Haggerty 
sapatos abutinados Clothing = Textiles Amy Duncan 
empapelado Clothing = Textiles Amy Duncan 
banca de pesponto Clothing = Textiles Mopb 
palha Clothing = Textiles xxxbabiproz 
ribana Clothing = Textiles
saco de viagem Clothing = Textiles OdeteGuimarães 
grife Clothing = Textiles Claudio Mazotti 

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