02 May 08:43 GMT

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Italian: Social Sciences

Term/concept Contributor
Orizzonte (stratigrafico) Anthropology xxxlanguagelear 
popolo Rom AnthropologyGeography aracara 
ceto medio AnthropologySocial Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. Luke 
ricerca antropologica africanistica Anthropology breeze 
condenda Anthropology MitsukoD 
comunanza agraria Anthropology Angela Arnone 
bastoncini con messaggio Anthropology A Mioni 
chiefdom Anthropology Derek Smith 
capo indiano The leader of a group of native Americans KudoZ 
sciamano In societies practicing shamanism: one acting as a medium between the visib KudoZ 
demoetnoantropologico Anthropology
civiltà totemiche Anthropology John Walsh 
sioux A member of a group of North American Indian peoples who spoke a Siouan lan
mito A traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view
antropologia The social science that studies the origins and social relationships of hum
antropologo A social scientist who specializes in anthropology
etnia Anthropology Manuela Boccignone 
minoranza etnica A group that has different national or cultural traditions from the majorit
popolo Anthropology Manuela Boccignone 
ricerca sul campo Anthropology Manuela Boccignone 

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