02 May 22:14 GMT

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French: Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma

Term/concept Contributor
tumeur primitive Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Robintech 
cellules de l'�pith�lium malpighien Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Robintech 
non diff�renci� Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Robintech 
sang total Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Robintech 
r�flexoth�rapie Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Robintech 
th�rapie intermittente / administration p�riodique Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Robintech 
polynucl�aire Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Robintech 
acidophile Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Robintech 
pycnotique Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Robintech 
creuset A vessel made of material that does not melt easily; used for high tempera
fécondation in vitro Medical (general)Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma
inhibiteur d'oxydase de monoamine Any of a group of antidepressant drugs that inhibit the action of monoamine
hormone chorionique gonadotrope Hormone produced early in pregnancy by the placenta; detection in the urin
un guide métallique Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Iolanta Vlaykova Paneva 
maximal negatif Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Iolanta Vlaykova Paneva 
lithiase vésiculaire Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma xxxLaurent 1973 
lésion tumorale Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma xxxLaurent 1973 
bilan Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma xxxLaurent 1973 
lésion infectieuse Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma xxxLaurent 1973 
vesicule Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma xxxLaurent 1973 

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