21 May 21:30 GMT

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English: Business/Commerce (general)

Term/concept Contributor
estimate the possibility Business/Commerce (general) peterinmadrid 
C&F Business/Commerce (general) Andrew Vdovin 
pre-competitive Business/Commerce (general) Armorel Young 
nominal capital Business/Commerce (general) maryrose 
joining or leaving Business/Commerce (general) Christine Lam 
flat roof warranty Business/Commerce (general) Glossary-building KudoZ 
senior sales assistant Business/Commerce (general) xxxCateA 
senior sales assistant Business/Commerce (general) xxxCateA 
Biotech Cluster Business/Commerce (general) Teresa Sassani 
half FTE Business/Commerce (general) John Speese 
equipped/furnished Business/Commerce (general) Johan Venter 
time stamp Business/Commerce (general) Jeff Skinner 
inside sales Business/Commerce (general) Letra 
Corporate Business/Commerce (general) Sandra C. 
Contract manufacturer/producer Business/Commerce (general) Michael Kucharski 
emerging markets business Business/Commerce (general) Sandra C. 
segment oriented Business/Commerce (general) Rachel Taylor 
cancellation requests Business/Commerce (general) Jeff Skinner 
tiered benefits Business/Commerce (general) Cordula Abston 
family of companies Business/Commerce (general) Pawel Politylo 

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