15 May 13:52 GMT

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Orthopedia & Traumatology
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Collection owner:
paula arturo (40735 pts)

635 total concepts
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alambres wires Medical (general) paula arturo 
alambres trocantéricas rotas o quebradas broken trochanteric wires Medical (general) paula arturo 
ampolla bullae Medical (general) paula arturo 
anómalo anomalous Medical (general) paula arturo 
anestesia endotraqueal endotracheal anaesthesia Medical (general) paula arturo 
anestesia local nerve blocks Medical (general) paula arturo 
anillo annulus Medical (general) paula arturo 
anillo fibroso annulus fibrosus Medical (general) paula arturo 
anormal abnormal Medical (general) paula arturo 
Antebrazo forearm The part of the superior limb between the elbow and the wrist
antepie forefoot Medical (general) paula arturo 
anterior anterior Medical (general) paula arturo 
antero externo anterior-lateral Medical (general) paula arturo 
antero interno anterior-medial Medical (general) paula arturo 
anterosuperior anterior-superior Medical (general) paula arturo 
anulus annulus Medical (general) paula arturo 
apófisis (en huesos) processes Medical (general) paula arturo 
apófisis articular articular process Medical (general) paula arturo 
apófisis espinosa spinous process Medical (general) paula arturo 
apófisis espinosa que se proyecta hacia posterior (se dice la apófisis) posteriorly projecting spinous process Medical (general) paula arturo 

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