19 Apr 18:10 GMT

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Medical Trixie
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Collection owner:
Monica Colangelo (0 pts)

131 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
Arrector pili muscle Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Monica Colangelo 
Arthrosique Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Monica Colangelo 
Arto-RV fistula or Arta F�stula Aorta Ventr�culo derecho (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
bleeding problems Transtornos hemorr�gicos (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
bolillero draw machine (English) Monica Colangelo 
Bone loss Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Monica Colangelo 
Bone turnover Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Monica Colangelo 
Brisk walk Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Monica Colangelo 
BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) Enfermera/o Profesional // Licenciada/o en Enfermer�a (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
C. Control (English) Monica Colangelo 
CEA hormone - chg. pregnancy, chg., Ant�geno carcinoembri�nico / Gonadotrofina Cori�nica (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
changes of shift Cambios de guardia (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
chemotherapy The use of chemical agents to treat or control disease (or mental illness)
chestwall Caja tor�cica (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
CI Medical (general) Catherine Antheunissens 
Cianosis Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Monica Colangelo 
cirrhosis A chronic disease interfering with the normal functioning of the liver; th...
clavicle Bone linking the scapula and sternum
coccyx The end of the vertebral column in humans and tailless apes
Cognitive function Pharmaceuticals = Med: Pharma Monica Colangelo 

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