20 May 00:03 GMT

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Collection owner:
Monica Colangelo (0 pts)

300 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
Bans Other Monica Colangelo 
Circuit Court of Appeals judge Un Juez (Magistrado) del Tribunal Federal de Apelaciones (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
los que saben (Firman los que saben) literate parties (English) Monica Colangelo 
queda legalizada la firma que antecede the above signature is hereby authenticated (English) Monica Colangelo 
Release of personal liability Exención de responsabilidad personal (Spanish) Monica Colangelo 
/LE/LC/CDI Libreta de Enrolamiento / Libreta C�vica / Clave de Identificaci�n (English) Monica Colangelo 
a contar... to be counted (English) Monica Colangelo 
a las personas que intervienen la ratifican y firman los que saben This record having been read to the parties involved, it has been signed by all literate parties (English) Monica Colangelo 
a las personas que intervienen la ratifican y firman los que saben This record having been read to the parties involved, it has been signed by all literate parties (English) Monica Colangelo 
Ab initio Patents = Law: Patents Monica Colangelo 
Acciones no gravables Patents = Law: Patents Monica Colangelo 
Acciones ordinarias Patents = Law: Patents Monica Colangelo 

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