25 Apr 22:57 GMT

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forklift  Wordnet 
A small industrial vehicle with a power operated forked platform in front that can can be inserted under loads to lift and move them  Wordnet 

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Stapelameise   1 validation  Stephen Sadie 
Please enter the German definition of this concept.

montacargas   1 validation, toro   1 validation  Peters Trans , montacargas (de horquilla)   1 validation, montacargas   1 validation  Donatella Cesca , portapalets   1 validation, elevador de horquilla   1 validation, carretilla elevadora   1 validation, grúa horquilla   1 validation  BOCHA , montacargas   1 validation  Julio Torres 
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carrello elevatore   1 validation  Pasquale Capo 
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叉车口   1 validation  Zong Yang Yu 
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KudoZ - Stapelameise > forklift

KudoZ - forklift > montacargas

KudoZ - toro > forklift

KudoZ - Forklift > montacargas (de horquilla)

KudoZ - forklift > montacargas

KudoZ - portapalets > forklift

KudoZ - forklift > elevador de horquilla

KudoZ - carrello elevatore > forklift

KudoZ - forklift > carretilla elevadora

KudoZ - gr�a horquilla > forklift

KudoZ - forklift > ???

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