06 May 09:40 GMT

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Latin: Other > Cooking / Culinary

Term/concept Contributor
Thunnus alalunga Large pelagic tuna the source of most canned tuna; reaches 93 pounds and h Personal glossary 
Germo alalunga Large pelagic tuna the source of most canned tuna; reaches 93 pounds and h Personal glossary 
Ensis siliqua Ensis siliqua. SonjaR 
Lentinus edodes Edible east Asian mushroom having a golden or dark brown to blackish cap an
Trigla lucerna Mediterranean fish
Chelidonichthys lucernus Mediterranean fish
Lates niloticus Lates niloticus LQA Russian 
Valerianella locusta Widely cultivated as a salad crop and pot herb; often a weed
Valerianella olitoria Widely cultivated as a salad crop and pot herb; often a weed
Auxis rochei Cooking / CulinaryFood & DairyZoology Lorraine Abbey 
Cichorium intybus Perennial Old World herb having rayed flower heads with blue florets cultiv
Satureia hortensis Erect annual herb with oval leaves and pink flowers; used to flavor e.g. m
Lophius piscatorius A monkfish in the family Lophiidae, found in coastal waters of the northeas Monica Colangelo 
Dicentrarchus labrax Morone labrax.
Morone labrax Morone labrax.
Psetta maxima A large brownish European flatfish Personal glossary 
Squilla mantis A kind of mantis shrimp
Sechium edule A pear-shaped squash, Sechium edule.
Zeus faber European dory
Lippia citriodora A deciduous perennial shrub native to Peru, Argentina and Chile, and was br ttagir 

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