22 Dec 08:05 GMT

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Common cardio terms.
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Collection owner:
paula arturo (40735 pts)

477 total concepts
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ápice apex Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
ápice apex Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
abatidos sobre la pared retract against the wall Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
acúmulo clump Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
acetilcolina acetylcholine A neurotransmitter that is a derivative of choline; released at the ends o
actividad bloqueante α1 alpha1 blocking activity Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
AD right atrium The right upper chamber of the heart that receives blood from the venae cav
adrenérgico adrenergic Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
adrenalina EPI A catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress (trad
adyuvante adjuvant Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
agente antihipertensivo antihypertenisive agent Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
agente antihipertensivo betabloqueante beta-blocker antihypertensive agent Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
agotamiento físico physical strain Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
aguantar tiding over Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
algoritmo (método aritmético y algebraico que se usa en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de una enfermedad) algorithm Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
alta presi�n sangu�nea, de la sangre, high blood pressure A common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a readin
alvéolos pulmonares pulmonary alveoli Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
ambrosía – ragweed great ragweed A coarse annual with some leaves deeply and palmately 3-cleft or 5-cleft
aminas simpaticomiméticas sympathomimetic amines Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 
aminoácidos aminoacids Medical: Cardiology paula arturo 

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