08 May 10:00 GMT

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Collection owner:
Arash Androudi (0 pts)

17 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
�͘�� ���� Patents = Law: Patents Arash Androudi 
akhz RECEIVE ; COLLECT (English) Arash Androudi 
barge sodoore ejraei Arash Androudi 
������� Patents = Law: Patents Arash Androudi 
courts have jurisdiction under subsection (a) where service has been made.... HargAh EblAgh motAbeh bA...Surat gerefteh bAshad MahAkem motAbegh bA mabhas e (a) dArAye salAhiyat () Arash Androudi 
da'viye moteghabel Counterclaim (English) Arash Androudi 
daavari Arbitration (English) Arash Androudi 
eghame to litigate; to bring a claim before the court; to initiate or institute a lawsuit (English) Arash Androudi 
etebar credit (English) Arash Androudi 
Gearbox Ja'abeh dandeh (Persian (Farsi)) Arash Androudi 
intuitive translator motarjem e shohudi (Persian (Farsi)) Arash Androudi 
jalb Arash Androudi 
on less bA (neyAz be meghdAr e) kamtari () Arash Androudi 
���� Patents = Law: Patents Arash Androudi 
reasonable monAseb () Arash Androudi 
standard score nomreh ye estAndArd, emtiyAz e estandard (Persian (Farsi)) Arash Androudi 
tashkile parvande Arash Androudi 

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