03 May 23:27 GMT

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Romanian: Botany

Term/concept Contributor
hrişcă Or member of genus Fagopyrum; annual Asian plant with clusters of small pi
nucsoara Hard aromatic seed of the nutmeg tree used as spice when grated or ground KudoZ 
pădure primară Botany aurafas 
pădure secundară (regenerată) Botany aurafas 
papură Botany Iulia Matei 
iarba sarpelui A coarse prickly European weed with spikes of blue flowers; naturalized in KudoZ 
sofrănas/sofrănel Botany Lavinia Pirlog 
nGdlvfrnhBSzsUhgZX Botany Rachel Fell 
cimbru Leaves can be used as seasoning for almost any meat and stews and stuffings KudoZ 
afină Erect European blueberry having solitary flowers and blue-black berries Miranda Joubioux 
salată Erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when youn KudoZ 
mazăre tucără Green peas with edible pods that are very crisp and not flat KudoZ 

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