19 May 06:39 GMT

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French: Communications = Telecommunications

Term/concept Contributor
persister Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
marquage informatique Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
piloter Communications = Telecommunications Lucie LAVERGNE 
borne wifi Communications = Telecommunications Heike Kurtz 
mobilisation / demobilisation Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
harmoniques du ton Communications = Telecommunications claude 
commercialisateur Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
usages valorisables Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
noyau Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
classeurs Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
cinq pour mille Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
non servi Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
divertissements Communications = Telecommunications xxxPFB 
soit plus permissive Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 
valeur nominale Communications = Telecommunications Sandra C. 
sous-adresse Communications = Telecommunications Sandra C. 
caisse de groupement Communications = Telecommunications Ballais Valery 
conditions (aux) limites Communications = Telecommunications Katell Deletre 
Meilleures sentiments. Communications = Telecommunications TŁUMACZ FR,WŁ 
fait passer Communications = Telecommunications Enza Longo 

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