19 May 10:45 GMT

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French: Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear

Term/concept Contributor
bombe au cobalt Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear TPS 
Cuve Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear TPS 
Gaine Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear TPS 
retraitement Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear TPS 
panneau de repli Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Alfred Satter 
BR Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Alfred Satter 
APAVE Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Alfred Satter 
fissuration respirante Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Angelika Koerber 
decade Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Michael Tovbin 
mise en pateau Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Michael Tovbin 
fusion en pression Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Andre Lotter 
colonnes pulsees Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear GillW (MCIL) 
maitre d'ouvrage Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear GillW (MCIL) 
sus-jacent Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Jocelyne S 
traduit par Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Jocelyne S 
puits de cuve Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Dani Bowman 
4 trains SEC Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Dani Bowman 
brique de carbone Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Alain Dubayle 
link Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear Guylaine Ingram 
conception d'un instrument instrument layouts gromeri 

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