29 May 13:25 GMT

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Ortodoncia L’ortodonzia è quella branca dell’odontoiatria che si occupa dello studio,... duchess 
orthodontie L’ortodonzia è quella branca dell’odontoiatria che si occupa dello studio,... duchess 
ortodonzia L’ortodonzia è quella branca dell’odontoiatria che si occupa dello studio,... duchess 
dental assembly Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Ryszard Matuszewski 
unit dentystyczny Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Ryszard Matuszewski 
Implantatschablone Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Shane London 
implant template Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Shane London 
thisapy Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Constanze Rouyer 
treatment Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Constanze Rouyer 
Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Constanze Rouyer 
esqueletizadas Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Ana Rita Santiago 
Skeletonized Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Ana Rita Santiago 
faccette Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Diana Mecarelli 
Veneers/Facetten Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry Diana Mecarelli 
debubblizer Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry mireille aboumrad 
Un agent tensioactif Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry mireille aboumrad 
chamfer Bevel symmetrically (a right-angled edge or corner) mireille aboumrad 
Bevel symmetrically (a right-angled edge or corner) mireille aboumrad 
Bevel symmetrically (a right-angled edge or corner) mireille aboumrad 
Bevel symmetrically (a right-angled edge or corner) mireille aboumrad 

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Medical specific fields
Dentistry = Medical: Dentistry
Health Care = Med: HC
Medical (general)
Medical: Cardiology
Medical: Instruments
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Sports / Fitness / Recreation

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